Sex in the Movies: High Quality Pieces for an Inspiration
Let´s explore few movies which worth it. Let´s take a look at what otherwise experienced directors are feared of. Why they do not want to go hard to „it“ and why they are using erotica so frugally? And who was brave enough to cook „one hell of a spicy meal“? Who can add quantity without losing quality? We will try to answer these questions and you will have the chance to choose an inspiration for several interesting evenings…

Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom
While erotic and porn magazines were experiencing a real boom, sex in the movies was still rare. On one side, it was caused by actors and actresses who were reluctant to do something such superficial and most likely compromising. But hesitating directors played the role as well. It´s one thing to publish magazines with pair having sex – no one cares who made it, people just wanted to be home on their sofa and masturbate. Even a book can be published under a pen name and no one except the publisher (sometimes not even him) will know the author of the text. But this is not the case for a movie! We can hardly imagine having a movie poster or a video cassette case without the second most important information about it – the name of an author. Who would represent it on a red carpet? Therefore, no one was brave enough to risk so much. In other fields of art, any vulgar piece of work (book, photography…) is usually seen by a few people and then it is forgotten. But movies have far more reach and almost immediately, it is everywhere, along with the name of its author. That´s why directors were adding little by little and monitoring others.
Sexy or Troubled?
Some movies considered to be pioneers of the eroticism in the industry are not very interesting from my point of view. For example, Salo, or The 120 Days of Sodom by P.P.Pasolini can be described in many ways, but „sexy“ is not one of those and I would rather forget it completely. Or Richard Linklater´s Before Sunrise – I would put it in the same category as Eat, Pray, Love, there is not much sex in it… It is more about talking and getting know each other. Its content is interesting and the form is imaginative, but it´s not about breaking taboos. Julie Delpy without her bra is the max in this movie. The Graduate by Mike Nichols from 1967 is more or less the same for me. Mrs. Robinson is very charming definitely, but I´m not a big fan of Dustin Hoffman. Also, I want to judge only those movies I´ve seen myself. Because of that, I´ve picked movies that influenced me personally and I´m able to see them again and again without paying attention to critics score.
A Little Girl on an R-rated movie
Let´s travel back in time to 1989. We are in a mountain resort and a small, 9 years old girl is in the room. She is ill so she can´t go skiing, playing or dancing with other kids so she is bored. She feels better because of the medicine, parents are not there so she goes out of her room and sneaks to the cinema. It´s quite late, she is there illegally, and she is surprised (but just a little) by nudity on the screen. It´s Polish movie Sexmission in which two volunteers are frozen but by a mistake, they woke up much later than expected – in a women-only world.

One Butt and Two Cubs
In a third grade, our girl found a friend. Her friend was a very naughty girl and it was this friend who shown our girl a porn movie for the first time. It was a black and white movie on a cassette of her parents – very decent, otherwise. They played it again and again and then, they wanted to find another movie so exciting that causes so pleasant feelings down there. They have found super famous Dirty Dancing by Emile Ardolino and they were endlessly watching the scene in which Patrick Swayze – in the morning after first sex with Jennifer Grey (Have you seen her in any other movie? I have not…) – stands up and you can see his butt. Girls were laughing and trying to dance „the dirty dancing“ as in the movie, just in their panties and undershirts, singing Be my Baby by The Ronettes.

Dirty Dancing
Humiliation Among the Slaves
The other two movies with significant influence are usually ignored by the lists of important movies. And most people do not connect them with erotica at all as there is not much of it. Well, it depends. First of these movies gave me the first impulse, the small fire which never died. In fact, it went up in the flames in full power two decades later (see BDSM Techniques of Pleasure). At first, it was Bernard Borderie´s Angélique, but not the first one – not the famous scene with her wet breasts during hanky-panky with Nicolas by the river. I have in mind „Angelique and the Sultan“ movie. Angélique is kidnapped by pirates and put her to lower decks where the worst ragtag is. Loathsome, nasty gang of men in fetters and shackles try to reach her and grab her… It was not about the dirt, but rather about the helplessness. And then there was that scene at the slave market. She has to show everything (to the buyers, not to the viewers). I didn´t care that her breasts could not be seen. Her scared look and displeasure woke up my fantasies – what will the buyer who will pay the big price for her do with her after he brings her to his home? I´ve dreamed that I´m her. At first, other slavegirls will wash me, dress me and adorn me with expensive jewelry, perfume me… and then I will have to patiently wait for the arrival of my new ruler. I envy her. Of course, I did not understand very well what the save market really is about at that time…

Perverse and Guilty for the First Time
I´ve felt guilt for the first time when I´ve seen the rape scene in Two Women by Vittorio de Sica. I knew that it is a bad thing – a rape. The situation was not glamorized by jewels or veils. The soldier simply knocked Sophia Loren down to the dirty floor, and that was it. And her crying daughter… But I could not help myself. I liked handsome soldiers as I have a soft spot for southern types with worked-out bodies. I even had a notional proposal for Sophia: what about enjoying it rather than dull resignation? The painful and desperate situation for her, exciting fantasy for me. I did not tell anyone about my fantasies, not even my naughty friend. Rather than that, I was hoping that it was something nobody can see, it will surely disappear, and my mom and dad will love me the same. However, I can see today that both movies indicated clearly the direction my sexual life will move on.
Up to this moment, movies I´ve seen were using only indications of eroticism colored and multiplied by my fantasy. The first director who played it hard was Paul Verhoeven with his Basic Instinct.

Horalka, Sofia Loren

Sharon Stone, Basic Instinct
Courage Prevails
So we are here, few years passed and 14 years old hippie girl lays on the carpet with twenty or so other kids in an apartment of one´s grandmother. Riders on the Storm by The Doors sounds from the cassette player, cheap wine goes around as well as spirits and a weed. Moo dis great and friendly. They are talking except few pairs, holding their hands bashfully. These two are among them, kissing with tongues but nothing more. Then, the temporary „owner“ of the apartment says that he has a nice movie. „Will we take a look?“ From the beginning, it´s like a sci-fi – glasses with which the detective sees the sperm at the bed, San Francisco (everything American was very cool at that time), luxury, cocaine and… Sharon. Kids stop to drink and smoke, to hold their hands and with eyes stuck to the screen, they guzzle every shot. And then it comes! You know what, right? But they did not have a clue. What!?! It was her pussy?! Seriously? Her hair? WTF!?!
The role was first offered to Kim Basinger, the sex symbol of that time. She was on her peak where other sexy movie shot her – 9 ½ Weeks by Adrian Lyne. She refused and Paul Verhoeven gave the chance to almost unknown but juicy Sharon Stone. I think that Kim tore her hair after the success of Basic Instinct. Sharon was worried but the script quality convinced her. And we all thank for that, Sharon. The movie caused real tsunami. Everyone talked about it. It was extolled as well as considered the junk spoiling young people. But it was huge success all around the world and authors made huge money. Sharon herself was given 11 million dollars (in 1991!).
I have seen this movie many times and I´m enjoying every minute of it every time (not only those two seconds at an interrogation). It´s complicated, super-sexy thriller and also very funny. My favorite quote is from the talk between Michael Douglas´ detective and his therapist:
„What about your drinking?“
„I haven´t drink for two months“
„What about cocaine?“
„Nothing. I´m clear, I need to work. I don´t even smoke.“
„And what´s it like?“
„It sucks“

The Idiots, Lars von Trier
First movie penis
Allow me to tell you few details about this numbers. Two factors connect these movies: they gave me what I was looking for in the movies for a long time: „a good story and a good fuck“. I did not know at all that I will find it in these two movies. Idiots by Lars von Tries caused me the same level of shock as Sharon´s crotch in Basic Instinct. It was screened in the club theater and up to that time, I knew Lars von Trier as an author of psychological movies. His pieces were able to derail me for a long time. But I knew nothing about Idiots, just that I don´t know it and I must see it as Lars was very popular at that time. In fact, I would expect the first movie penis more in Spielberg´s blockbuster than in Idiots. I think that others were in the same situation. We all stretched their necks to see it and we did not believe our eyes! The first penetration on a silver screen! There was a scene with the real sex and then the movie continued like it was the most common thing! I was too shy to look right or left so I did not see the reaction of others. But I was so happy! Hooray, at last! BTW, the movie is often described as a comedy. What what??
It was long waiting after the Idiots. Again. Hey, what´s wrong? I told to myself. Why more filmmakers are not able to do movies in this way. It´s no more taboo, right? I tried to quench the thirst with creative porn. But it was hard to find something interesting with a plot in the pile of pure fucking. But actors usually stayed in their roles 5 minutes at max and went to action. I don´t want to judge porn unfairly, one porn movie helped me to push my sexuality in the right direction (see BDSM Techniques of Pleasure) and with my husband, we used it as an inspiration for long years. But after the maternity period, I´ve desired to feel something like with the Idiots. It came at last. Unexpected as usual…
My friend with whom I do not share my desires took me to see The Handmaiden, thriller by the director Pak-Cchan-uk. I love Asian decor and it was enough for me to agree with seeing it. What a surprise to see two fondling pussies! It was so long that I´ve turned red and starting to wriggle. My friend was calm and eating popcorn. After the movie, we shared our feelings, but no one was commenting on the pussy looking into the camera for a minute or more. You can guess easily that when I came home, I had to wake up my husband with his favorite „medical exam“.

Love, Gaspar Noé
Real Fuck is the Real love as Well
To this point, it was all about seconds or minutes. I´ve seen Love by Gaspar Noé – last but heaviest of all the last three – alone, with no one to be abused by me at sight. The movie will set you to the right rail at the very beginning. It´s absolutely clear what will be going on. The story is so true, beautiful and open to the max. Everything would be great, but only if I like masturbating, which I don´t …
Sure, there were more movies causing certain restlessness in my crotch like Damage by Louis Malle. Jeremy Irons wants her daughter-in-law. And who would blame him as it is Juliette Binoche. But in this case, it was about long preparations, long plucking up the courage and short action in the end. Vibrations down there were not given a chance to gain strength. Something like Joe Wright´s Atonement with irresistible and wild-fragile Keira Knightley in her emerald green clothes with naked back down to the groove… However, the movie was too romantic (the book is much better). I´ve felt the desire altogether with Keira, but without fulfillment, the desire lefts the bitter aftertaste. It is not exciting, it´s sad.
I´ve seen Love recently although Noé made this movie few years ago. It hit me strongly and I still draw an energy from it. But I´m curious what will surprise me next time (do you have any tip, my dear reader?) and I cross my fingers for all brave directors and filmmakers.